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Text originality is one of the most important elements of promotion. If a search engine discovers that a resource is posting unoriginal content, it will lower its ranking. Therefore, most editors struggle to ensure that the content they post is not only useful, but also unique.

Checking for uniqueness with anti-plagiarism for students
Students also need to have their text checked for uniqueness by an anti-plagiarism checker. This is especially relevant during the periods when term papers and diploma theses are handed in. Teachers need to specify the result of checking the uniqueness of the document, so that the student can get access to the delivery. But the situation is a little more complicated for students - texts are checked by the corporate version, which is only available to employees of educational institutions.

Students can use the free version of the service or arrange for university staff to check the document.

Antiplagiarism is a special service that helps to check the text for uniqueness. Users upload the finished text, and the service shows its uniqueness as a percentage (on a scale from 0% to 100%). In this article we tell in simple words, why do we need anti-plagiarism services, how they work and share tips on how to improve the uniqueness of the text.
What is the purpose of an anti-plagiarism tool?
The main purpose of anti-plagiarism services is to check text documents for borrowing from open sources on the Internet. An anti-plagiarism service is often used by:

pupils (to check the originality of their term papers, graduation papers);
educational institutions (to check the work of students);
Copywriters, SEO-specialists (to check the uniqueness of the text for the site).
In general, plagiarism checking solves the problem of copying information.

How does the anti-plagiarism check work?
From the user side the work of the anti-plagiarism checker is very simple.

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