Candidates Alaa Abbarah

I’m 42 years old
and originally from Syria.
I’m in Germany for 8 years and 4 months
and live in Peiting, Germany.

Desired job

I’m looking for an internship, an apprenticeship or a permanent position in the area of School, further education, university (Englischlehrer oder Dolmetcher), Travel and leisure (Tourismus Guid oder Reception), Warehouse, logistics (Transoprtskoordinator oder planer) or General and other semi-skilled and unskilled occupations (correspondences).

Previous experiences

  • 2 years


    01/2013 - 01/2015
    Damaskus, Syria
    Nazha logistik/DHL forwarding Syria
  • 6 years
    11 months


    10/2006 - 10/2013
    Damaskus, Syria
    staatliche Schulen
  • 8 years

    Studies: abschloss in englischer Literatur

    01/2004 - 01/2012
    Damaskus, Syria
    Bachelor in English Literature and Studies
    Status: Completed successfully
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